Photo credit: Melany Willis, Photoplay Lifestyle Photography
Hi, I’m Elizabeth, an ambitious birth doula, mother of 2, diaper need awareness ambassador, LGBTQ+ ally, and a proud new member of the Purple Lotus Doulas. One of the things I value most as a doula is supporting families across the board, no matter what choices they make and I strongly believe in your intuition as a parent. My decision to become a birth doula started from my own experiences as I was preparing for my second birth, primarily the positive impact of having a birth doula and Sarah Baker’s comprehensive Birthworks childbirth education. Soon after my second birth, a good friend asked me to be her doula. That very same day, I saw the Purple Lotus Doulas Professional Doula Training info and it was as if the skies of opportunity opened up.
The preparation I did during my second pregnancy came as a direct result of what I experienced during my first pregnancy and birth. I was 22 and felt completely unprepared when I found out I was pregnant with my first son. Having an unmedicated birth was important to me so I signed up for classes through my healthcare provider. Someone suggested I hire a doula so I interviewed one, but I left the interview unsure of what they could offer me that my partner couldn’t just as easily do. I left the hospital birth classes feeling like I had adequate preparation. My labor was long and being in a stressful environment made it difficult to relax during or between contractions. Days seemed to melt together as my intuition told me that not only was I too tired to go on, but that my cervix was not opening despite strong, consistent contractions. Amidst the sheer exhaustion, I didn’t have anything left in me figure out what questions to ask or what to do with the information I got. Over 50 hours of labor eventually ended in an unplanned cesarean, followed by a very painful recovery.
Only 3 months after my intense birth experience, I found out I was pregnant again. This time, I wanted to be present, alert, and in control of my birth. The classes my healthcare provider offered for VBAC preparation were full so I took to the internet to find alternatives. Sarah Baker’s Birthworks class was recommended as a better alternative, so I signed up. In my BirthWorks classes, I learned so much about what may have contributed to my difficult first labor experience, as well as brain chemistry, informed consent, and guidance in identifying and working through my fears. The decision to hire a birth doula was a no-brainer as I continued preparing for my birth! My doula, Melany Willis, reminded me often to stay hydrated, gave suggestions for positions to help align baby with my pelvis and information about different interventions as they were suggested to me. In the end, I listened to my intuition and chose to schedule a cesarean. In the pre-op and operating rooms, Melany was a familiar face and had a watchful eye and calming voice that encouraged me as I welcomed my child. This time I was present, I was alert, and I was in control of my birth. Recovery the second time around was quick and I sought more support for breastfeeding (and am still nursing 18 months later). I became more confident as a person, which was a direct result of my experiences and choices surrounding the birth of my 2nd son.
As I came into my new found confidence and began to grow as a mother, I had a feeling that my life was still requiring drastic change. A dear friend reached out and asked me to be her doula when she discovered she was pregnant. That very same day I saw the Purple Lotus Doula Professional Birth Doula training and followed my intuition by signing up. Later that month, I made the decision to pursue doula certification through DONA International and trained in Olathe, KS. In addition to DONA , I am also in the process of becoming certified through Stillbirthday. During my first year as a doula, I have been mentored by the Purple Lotus Doulas and will continue to receive their guidance and collective knowledge. Following my training, I attended 3 births in both hospitals and birth centers. I love supporting my clients in the birth environment of their choosing, whether it be in the OR or their living room!
My work in the St. Louis community doesn’t stop at doula work. I am also a proud ambassador for the St. Louis Area Diaper Bank and St. Louis Alliance for Period Supplies. Through this work I am not only able to foster dignity in families through accessible hygiene products, but also help children connect with early childhood programs. During my own time of need, the diaper bank helped me get on my feet. Because of this, their cause is one that is near and dear to my heart.
I believe in a parent’s right to fully-educated and supported decisions. If you or someone you love is pregnant, I encourage you to look at the studies that demonstrate the benefits of childbirth education and professional doula support. Thank you for taking the time to learn about me and I look forward to hearing from you!